Options 101

Get the simple, proven blueprint that has turned thousands of beginners into confident, successful options traders padding their bank accounts.

What if You Could Turn $200 Into a Life of Freedom?

Let's be honest: You're tired.

Tired of waking up every morning, heading to a job that drains you, and still wondering where all your hard-earned money went by the end of the month.

Bills. Groceries. Maybe a small treat here and there. But real freedom? That still feels miles away.

And then there’s the constant worry that creeps in late at night: Will I ever have enough saved? What if something happens tomorrow? Am I stuck in this cycle forever?

You’ve seen people making money in the stock market—leaving their 9-to-5s, gaining the freedom to travel, spend more time with family, or simply relax without constantly worrying about their finances.

You Wonder: Why Isn't That Me?

But as soon as you think about trading, doubts start creeping in:

"I don’t know much about stocks, much less trading.”
"What if I make a mistake and lose everything?"
"I don't have time to watch the market all day."

You’re not looking for a ‘get rich quick’ scheme. You just want something real—a way to start small, learn without the overwhelm, and begin living on your own terms.

What's Standing In Your Way?

Every time you think about getting started, it feels like there's a wall between you and the stock market.

You’ve read articles, watched YouTube videos, and may have even taken courses, but they either confuse you with financial terms or leave you without a clear plan. You’re stuck feeling like trading is only for Wall Street insiders or people who have finance degrees.

But what if there was a way to learn options trading that was
simple, doable, and safe?


Hi, I’m Teri!

Like many of you, I once was stuck in a demanding 9-to-5 job as an assistant principal.

I felt powerless—unable to control how I spent my time—and trapped in a toxic work environment. All I wanted was to make some extra income so I could leave my job, start traveling, and finally break free.

At that time, I had some success trading traditional stocks, but trading options felt out of reach—I was constantly overwhelmed by its complexities.

Fast forward to today, I can safely say I’ve mastered both options and stock trading, building a life full of freedom and travel. More importantly, I’ve helped thousands of students do the same—some even making over $1,000 a day, and in some cases, $10,000 a day, using the exact strategies I teach.

My background in education helped me create a simple, easy-to-understand approach to trading that removes confusion and the overwhelm, so you can start seeing real results without feeling lost or uncertain.

I created Options 101 to give you all the essentials to start padding your bank accounts without being overwhelmed and enjoy a life with more choices.

Course Curriculum

What you will learn...

Inside Options 101, you’ll discover how to trade stocks with less money and make a bigger impact through options—all without the usual complexity. You’ll receive my proven strategies for making money in any market, broken down into simple, understandable, and easy-to-follow steps to help you trade confidently and make your money work for you year-round.

Module 1

Foundations of Options

Introducing you to key concepts, terminology, and the origins of options trading to lay the groundwork for your journey.

Module 2

Understanding Options Contracts

Discover how to evaluate contract value and read profit-loss graphs to make confident trading decisions.

Module 3

Options Execution

Master the steps of placing trades using Teri’s 7-Step Method, and put what you’ve learned into practice in a safe environment.

Module 4

Advanced Strategies

Continue adding to your toolkit with strategies like selling vertical spreads and covered calls to further your success.

Module 5

Options Clinics

Options Clinics help fine-tune what you’ve learned. We’ll go through examples of spotting opportunities, executing trades, and managing exits with confidence. Each clinic session is designed to make you more proficient in trading options.


Group 682-min

Options 101

  • Group 603 (2)

    Introducing Options Terms and Terminology

  • Group 603 (2)

    What Are Options and How Did They Get Started?

  • Group 603 (2)

    Is An Option Contract Inexpensive or Expensive?

  • Group 603 (2)

    Understanding How to Make Money with Options Contracts

  • Group 603 (2)

    Understanding the Profit and Loss Graphs of Calls and Puts

  • Group 603 (2)

    How To Place An Options Trade

  • Group 603 (2)

    Using Teri's 7-Step Method With Options

  • Group 603 (2)

    Risk Management With Options

  • Group 603 (2)

    How To Make Money Selling Vertical Option Spreads

  • Group 603 (2)

    Protect Your Long-Term Portfolio by Selling Covered Calls

  • Group 603 (2)

    Options Clinics

    •  Finding the Opportunities
    • Placing an Options Trade
    • Selling an Options Trade

Get ALL of this for just $5,997 $3,997!

*Limited-time only!*

All sales are final. There will be no refunds.

WARNING: The promo window ends 11:59 PM CT 9/30/2024, and as you can see from all the testimonials, people always race like crazy to get in before we close doors. If you are seriously considering this, act NOW while it's still on your mind. This way, you won't have to worry about the opportunity closing on you.

But don’t just take my word for it.

Here’s what some of my clients have to say.

Meet Annette

Skeptical at first... and then she made $2,500 in a day!

"I was ecstatic. If you're having any doubts if this could be for you, I'm telling you... take the course."

Meet Chad

He was your basic everyday blue collar employee. Working as a security guard he was stressed, overworked and dreading his every next day

Meet Alex & Selenia

A couple with different jobs in different cities... no longer a challenge! "We didn't have to wait for the right opportunity for me...because I already had the opportunity."

Meet Gretchen

"Teri's trading philosophy ... it allows me to do it where people who've been in this industry for years might not even know how to do it. It doesn't matter how smart you are, anybody can do it as long as you follow the process."

Wish Options Didn’t Feel So Confusing?

This course is for you if…

  • Group 603 (2)

    You’re ready to finally learn how to make money with Options.

  • Group 603 (2)

    You’re tired of the daily grind and want to start living a life with more choices.

  • Group 603 (2)

    You want to start increasing your savings without needing to take on another job.

  • Group 603 (2)

    You’re overwhelmed by the complexity of Options and want someone to guide you.

  • Group 603 (2)

    You want to learn from a trading expert with a successful track record who also knows how to teach

Just look at the results my students are getting…

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Group 663-min
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The answers to your questions...

Yes, all the lessons are pre-recorded, allowing you to learn at your own pace wherever you are.