Are you ready to start making money in the stock market?

Without any trading experience, boat loads of money, or quitting your day job

Group 598 (3)

Award Winning - Top Online Course 4 years in a row.

Group 599 (2)

Students Have Made Over $1,000 in a Day

Group 600

Years of Trading

Have you ever?

  • Group 603 (2)

    Spent hours upon hours trying to teach yourself on YouTube

  • Group 603 (2)

    Paid for a teacher and not learned anything

  • Group 603 (2)

    Heard about long term investing but felt clueless about short term gains

  • Group 603 (2)

    ​Felt scared to make the first step

  • Group 603 (2)

    Felt overwhelmed with all the strategies and wanted a more simple, easy to follow plan

  • Group 603 (2)

    Lost a ton of money trading and felt helpless because you didn't have anyone to talk to

Group 601 (1)-min

And believe me

I Know What It's Like

  • Group 603 (2)

    To have a dead-end job

  • Group 603 (2)

    To not have enough savings

  • Group 603 (2)

    To wake up miserable every day knowing you're off to work for someone else's dream

  • Group 603 (2)

    To not know where and how to start investing

  • Group 603 (2)

    To literally try every YouTube strategy there is, and still lose money

Group 604 (4)-min

The truth is

My life wasn't always this glamorous

...and I wasn't always financially independent.

I used to be an elementary school assistant principal. I was also a youth pastor at my church.

While I loved the work I was doing at the church and school to be honest I was…

Overworked, underpaid, and stressed beyond measure.

My self-esteem was shot. I gained weight and fell into depression.

When a close friend passed away, I decided that life was too short to not be able to enjoy it.

I decided to quit giving myself the short end of the stick and I never looked back.

Trading for income gave me:

  • Group 603 (2)

    The chance to quit my 9-5 for good and travel as much as I want (while using my cell phone to make trades

  • Group 603 (2)

    The ability to say "YES" to what I love (and a guilt-free "bless your heart" to what I don't)

  • Group 603 (2)

    Freedom from debt! I paid off my student loans, $150,000 credit card debt, and soon paid off my mortgage.

2019Teri-11132019TERIret (1) 1-min

You can EASILY make $200 in a day, from anywhere in the world

Just using your phone and laptop...

That Equals:


in a week


in a month


in a year

By this point, you've realized you can trade for income and actually be profitable Day Trading

Whether you want to:

  • Group 603 (2)

    Retire in peace without financial anxiety

  • Group 603 (2)

    Pay your bills without taking on a side hustle

  • Group 603 (2)

    Quit your 9-5 and do what you love

  • Group 603 (2)

    Or just make more than your current income...

Making $1,000 is NOT a pie-in-the-sky goal.

It really isn't hard…

The truth is...

Trading is a fixed game, and you CAN consistently beat the market with fixed strategies that have been used for decades.

Just bear with me, I will tell you how this is possible for you too.

You Can Master The Trading Game When You Implement The 7-Step Trading Roadmap I Share In The Stocks & Options Bundle, So You Can:

  • Group 603 (2)

    Open a trading account and learn the basics of getting started (if you're a beginner with no prior trading experience)

  • Group 603 (2)

    Get strategic and plan your way to success, to minimize risk and don't lose money (you'll practice your skills on a Simulator, i.e. you'll trade with fake money, build your confidence before you make the leap to live trading)

  • Group 603 (2)

    Create a comprehensive trading plan and an exit strategy that are aligned with your income goals (if you're an advanced trader)

  • Group 603 (2)

    Make trading for income a reality without losing sleep, money, and your mind!

These outcomes are totally within reach for you and your lifestyle goals (whether you're starting from scratch or have been trading for a while).

Group 604 (6)-min

But don't just take my word for it

See What Existing Trade And Travel Students Have To Say

Meet Annette

Skeptical at first... and then she made $2,500 in a day!

"I was ecstatic. If you're having any doubts if this could be for you, I'm telling you... take the course."

Meet Chad

He was your basic everyday blue collar employee. Working as a security guard he was stressed, overworked and dreading his every next day

Meet Alex & Selenia

A couple with different jobs in different cities... no longer a challenge! "We didn't have to wait for the right opportunity for me...

because I already had the opportunity."

Meet Gretchen

"Teri's trading philosophy ... it allows me to do it where people who've been in this industry for years might not even know how to do it. It doesn't matter how smart you are, anybody can do it as long as you follow the process."

And this is what fills my heart at night

Trade & Travel Is A Family - And This Is What Keeps The Stocks & Options Bundle Strong

Group 604 (7)

Our Stocks & Options Bundle:

A comprehensive, self-study course designed to help you supplement your daily, weekly, and monthly income with trading stocks and options.

TI 2-min

Even if you don't have trading experience, boat loads of money, or can't quit your job yet!

Let me show you how to go from a novice to a seasoned pro capable of making $1,000 in a day (plus more) & charting your own financial destiny

Stocks & Options Bundle
Normally $9,997

On sale for just $5,997!

WARNING: The cohort is limited, and as you can see from all the testimonials, people always race like crazy to get in before the vault closes. If you are seriously considering this, act NOW while it's still on your mind. This way, you won't have to worry about the vault closing on you, and therefore missing out on your opportunity to make $1000 in a day like thousands of others.

Stocks & Options Bundle Stocks 101
Class 1: Introduction To
The Stock Market
Class 2: Risk
Management For Trades
Class 3: Introduction To
Technical Analysis
Class 4: The 7 Step IWT
Trading Plan (Revamped)
Class 5: Shorting
Class 6: Gaps and Globex
Class 7: Intro to Options Part 1
Class 8: Intro to Options Part 2

You Don't Need A Large Account Size To Make This Work

Single Digit Accounts Doing $1,000 days!

image 88-min
image 89-min
image 90-min
image 91-min

This is everything I wish I knew before I started investing

Stocks & Options Bundle is normally sold for $9,997

Stocks & Options Bundle Is Yours Today For A Discount


Group 353 (1)
Group 354 (1)
Group 360 (1)
Group 356 (1)
Group 358 (1)

Athena, Trade and Travel Student

Thank you so much, Teri Ijeoma! I've always been afraid of the stock market. I didn't think I was "good at money" or skilled enough to learn about something so seemingly complicated. You've taught us an invaluable life-long skill set, you've given me knowledge and confidence. I hope this wealth grows and multiplies so that I can bless others with the gift of this financial abundance too!


Let's Do This!

If you've ever wanted to learn how to trade but thought it was too complex, you're right; there are no overnight successes or magic wands!

When I started trading stocks over a decade ago, I saw it as an opportunity to supplement my income so I could afford luxuries such as travel. I was so successful that in 2017 this side hustle turned into my full-time income, and I founded Trade and Travel.

With more than 13+ years invested in my trading education, courses, workshops, having spent thousands of dollars, with a lot of trial and error, I developed expert strategies and proprietary intelligence that fast-tracks the learning journey and earning performance. These very same strategies enabled me to transition from working in my old school office - to traveling the world doing what I do best; trading.

Get on-board and start on
the journey to financial freedom!

Group 682-min

Stocks & Options Bundle ($9,997)

Yours today for $5,997

Group 352
Group 353
Group 354
Group 605
Group 356
Group 358