Discover How To Make $1,000 A Day With Stocks
(even as a complete beginner)

Success Stories

Layer 93

Over 8-Figures Generated In a Single Year

Group 599 (2)

Students Have Made Over $1,000 in a Day

Group 600

Years of Results

With The Right Education, Investing in the Stock Market is Easier than you Believe.

Don't Take My Word For It... Watch the story below.

If There're Two Show Interviews You Must Watch Before Starting Your Investing Journey, Here They Are

Watch Them To Start Your Journey On The Right Foot...

Teri Ijeoma, Stacey Tisdale & The Breakfast Club On How To Trade In Today’s Market + Use Stocks As A Side Hustle

Teri Ijeoma on Good Morning America 3 On How Beginners Can Actively Invest From The Comfort of Their Home

39+ Podcasts Teri Has Been Featured On...

...And a bunch more.

Click Here To Stream Teri’s Podcast Library - Now!

Trade And Travel Case Studies, Results & Testimonials:

$1,900 Made In As Little As 6 Minutes

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Income Security After Being Laid Off

image 109-min
Mask group (2)-min
Group 493-min

If I Never Invested Before, Is It Possible For Me To Actually Make Money In The Stock Market?

Here's What Existing Trade And Travel Students Have To Say:


Skeptical at first... and then she made $2,500 in a day!

"I was ecstatic. If you have any doubt if this could be for you, I'm telling you that it's possible. Take a chance..."


Father of 5 Decided to Invest in Himself To Better Provide For His Family

"This is money I didn't even think I had the capability of doing. Still looking at my account with $1,000s I'm like 'wow'."

Doubled practice amount on the worst two weeks of the stock market

Alex & Selenia

A couple with different jobs in different
cities... no longer a challenge!

"We didn't have to wait for the right opportunity for me... because I already had the opportunity."

image 95-min

Watch The 4 Secrets to Start Making $1,000 A Day With An Unfair Advantage...

We LOVE Teri so so so much!

Couple with different jobs living miles apart reunited.

"We didn't have to wait for the right opportunity for me... because I already had the opportunity."
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Who is Teri Ijeoma?

Teri Ijeoma began her professional career working in education and non-profits. When she started trading stocks eleven years ago, she initially saw it as an opportunity to simply supplement her income. However, she was so successful with this side hustle that in 2017, she decided to quit her job, travel the world, and begin trading full-time. While traveling, Teri was constantly asked to show others how she was successfully trading in the stock market. She set up and taught her first class in Thailand, her second in Vietnam, and had a fully-fledged curriculum created, by the time she returned to the States. Teri now offers an online curriculum called Trade And Travel, which shares her investing strategies with people all over the world. She also partners with organizations and companies to train and empower individuals to achieve financial freedom and build wealth through investing. Teri received her Bachelors degree in Management Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and her Masters in Media and Communications from Dallas Theological Seminary. She was the Grand Champion of Teachable’s 2019 Creator Challenge and has been featured in Black Enterprise, Yahoo Finance, ABC, NBC, and FOX.


She made $7,000 in a single day!

"I now know what the recipe to success is and what that looks like, and it's because I've taken her class."

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Mask group (3)-min

Join The Waitlist.
Next Cohort starts in the Fall.

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Hear from students on why they chose the Trade and Travel Family and how it has changed their lives.